Installation Design

Caminos y Fragmentos

Caminos y Fragmentos


Caught between two worlds, I have often found myself balancing a wide range of cultural expectations with my personal aspirations. This delicate path has shaped the unique journey of my own dreams while simultaneously watching my parents pursue theirs. Through 'Paths & Fragments,' I explore the internal dialogues and quiet compromises that define my pursuit of a dream that is both a continuation and a departure from that of my parents. This installation and mural celebrate our shared identity, resilience, and the sacrifices that fuel our collective aspirations.


Course : Design & Visual Communications III - BFA Capstone Professor : Robert Grame Roles : Installation Designer + Mural Painter


Spring 2024


Caught between two worlds, I have often found myself balancing a wide range of cultural expectations with my personal aspirations. This delicate path has shaped the unique journey of my own dreams while simultaneously watching my parents pursue theirs. Through 'Paths & Fragments,' I explore the internal dialogues and quiet compromises that define my pursuit of a dream that is both a continuation and a departure from that of my parents. This installation and mural celebrate our shared identity, resilience, and the sacrifices that fuel our collective aspirations.


Course : Design & Visual Communications III - BFA Capstone Professor : Robert Grame Roles : Installation Designer + Mural Painter


Spring 2024